HTTP Status Codes

Your request was made successfully, and DocRaptor has returned a document. We will also return a 200 code when an asynchronous document has successfully generated.

This error code means your request can not be completed as expected. DocRaptor will return this code if the download key is not valid, if the requested document has not completed, if there is an error in your generated document, or if there are errors in your HTTP POST request.

This status code means authorization is required, but has either not been provided or is incorrect. DocRaptor will return this status code if the API key provided is incorrect.

A 403 status code means the request was made correctly, but the server is refusing to respond. We will return this status code if you do not have permission to view the status of that document, or if you are making too many simultaneous document generation requests.

This error means your input document has syntax errors and DocRaptor can not process it as expected.

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